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Beacon – Whole Page – Template

Beacon 2: Specification Index

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Document Version nn: Updated dd/mm/yyyy



The membership module is the locus of membership administration in the Beacon system. Primarily used by the membership secretary, the membership module provides access to member information and to a range of tools to manage, communicate with and organise the members of a U3A.

The membership module comprises briefly:

  • A member list – which can be sorted to enable easy navigation and filtered to display specific members.
  • The member record – which is where all the detail relating to a single member can be viewed and updated.
  • The member search – which allows the user to search for a particular member or members based on their attributes.

The membership module will support the user to complete a number of workflows relating to the management of members such as renewing memberships, lapsing non-payers and welcoming new members.

User Stories


User can create post-type content
User can create page-type content
User can upload media content Media items require alt text
User can avail of a range of page templates
User can link content to a group
User can link content to an event
User can set up contact pages linked to members or roles
User can embed media content in posts and pages
User can define menu structures
User can define access controls to individual content items

User Workflows


Add new member
Delete member
Renew membership
Lapse membership
Add group membership
Update group membership
Update attributes
Add transaction
Add event booking
Send communication
Create membership cards
Export addresses

User Experience


Membership menu
Member list
Member record
Member search



Attributes are details and data points about a given member stored in their membership record. At a minimum they include:

User can produce membership cards

Create a PDF file containing membership cards
Send a PDF file containing individual membership cards

Membership card includes by default:

  • Name
  • Membership number and barcode
  • Photograph
  • Membership type

Membership expiry dateMembership card layout can be customised including:

  • Other attributes
  • Static text
  • Formatting

User can export member addresses so they can produce labels

Labels conform to a standard template by default
User can define their own label template
User can customise attributes included on the label
Shared addresses are deduplicated with concatenated name field